No matter how ugly I looked 
you are always the first to hold me and tell me, “ you look wonderful”
No matter how much mess I made 
You still cleaned up after me every time without complain.
No matter how much I hurt your feelings and disobeyed you.
You still protected me and made me dinner.
You gave up your bad habits for nine months so that I could come out a perfect baby.
Ow the sleepless nights you endured with me crying razors into your ears
You were the only one who believed in me when no one else would.
Mummy ,you would have sold all your assets just to make a better life for me.
When I look back at all those days spent with you, I just feel like saying from the bottom of my heart .
I love you mum. 
Mummy it is your day. A day set aside to honor you. 
Your wonderful nature and your careful upbringing has moulded billions of children into men and women who are having positive impact .
You deserve to be acknowledged. To be praise even.
I love you mum. Words cannot explain the depth of my love.
Where would I have been without you ?




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