1Samuel 30:8 talks about an act David took after he returned with his army to meet their camp looted with their wives and children taken captive by their enemies the Amalekites. My focus is not on the prayers King David prayed rather is on the women and children who were taken captive. They are assets of Soldiers; did they have no weapon, strategy or skill to overcome the enemy?
Women are considered weak and vulnerable in terms of strength but I stand to believe from records of stories in the Holy Bible and in History of the world that women are the most powerful among creation. It was through the first woman that sin came into the world, and it was also through a woman that salvation came on earth. Authority and headship was given to men but indirectly women hold the power to them. Women are more than who they are perceived to be and we will rise in this Power God has placed in us; we will overcome our enemies whiles our men sleep or are away.
Getting married and giving birth is not enough to be weak spiritually. Let us not entertain the idea of the Lord will judge me if I do not handle my responsibilities to my husband and children. The truth is, we will account for every area of our lives, the physical, spiritual and social. Among these three the one to be keener about is the spiritual because that is what we were first called into when we gave our lives to Christ. We seized just being physical beings who seek to gain physical results. Being a Christian woman is not limited to being a good wife and mother to your family alone, it’s also expected of you to protect your family spiritually which can only be done when start taken our positions in the kingdom work.
What is your call mandate in the kingdom of God; pursue it! Is it to teach, preach, sing, clean, prophecy, pray, evangelize, care for ministers, care for the needy and poor? Brethren, pursue it! Woman! Don’t let anything come between your call and position in the kingdom of God and by so doing you fulfill scripture of seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness first and counting all other things the Lord has blessed you with as second. I know others will say, focusing on family is also kingdom work, it’s a half-truth because Christ himself said; ‘Anyone who wants to follow him must deny him/herself of family, friends, property etc.’
The bible has stories of women who rose in their divine mandate and did not permit anyone or any circumstance to hinder them. Women such as, Deborah, Sarah, Esther, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, Dorcas etc. Bible may not be restructured to have our names recorded but we can have it in the book of life with reward attached.
Women are considered weak and vulnerable in terms of strength but I stand to believe from records of stories in the Holy Bible and in History of the world that women are the most powerful among creation. It was through the first woman that sin came into the world, and it was also through a woman that salvation came on earth. Authority and headship was given to men but indirectly women hold the power to them. Women are more than who they are perceived to be and we will rise in this Power God has placed in us; we will overcome our enemies whiles our men sleep or are away.
Getting married and giving birth is not enough to be weak spiritually. Let us not entertain the idea of the Lord will judge me if I do not handle my responsibilities to my husband and children. The truth is, we will account for every area of our lives, the physical, spiritual and social. Among these three the one to be keener about is the spiritual because that is what we were first called into when we gave our lives to Christ. We seized just being physical beings who seek to gain physical results. Being a Christian woman is not limited to being a good wife and mother to your family alone, it’s also expected of you to protect your family spiritually which can only be done when start taken our positions in the kingdom work.
What is your call mandate in the kingdom of God; pursue it! Is it to teach, preach, sing, clean, prophecy, pray, evangelize, care for ministers, care for the needy and poor? Brethren, pursue it! Woman! Don’t let anything come between your call and position in the kingdom of God and by so doing you fulfill scripture of seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness first and counting all other things the Lord has blessed you with as second. I know others will say, focusing on family is also kingdom work, it’s a half-truth because Christ himself said; ‘Anyone who wants to follow him must deny him/herself of family, friends, property etc.’
The bible has stories of women who rose in their divine mandate and did not permit anyone or any circumstance to hinder them. Women such as, Deborah, Sarah, Esther, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, Dorcas etc. Bible may not be restructured to have our names recorded but we can have it in the book of life with reward attached.
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